Join Ariel in a celebration of the arrival spring!
Our healing container will include:
An immersive sound bath (a whole-body listening experience) with energy work—for deep rest, balance, and overall well-being.
Pranayama (breath work) and movement for activation and clearing of the subtle energy body.
Tea Ceremony with Rose for connecting with our compassionate wise elder selves, holding loving boundaries and to trust in our blooming.
Energetic cleansing ritual and blessing with the flower beings.
Shaking and short energetic kriyas to awaken our fire and create more space in our being.
Group altar creation in honor of growth. What growth are you calling in, what are you already rising towards? Bring items, images, symbols, talisman, herbs, flowers, etc., that support your personal growth and the growth you envision for collective and earth wellness and balance.
A bottle of Cherry blossom flower essence to take home—to help integrate our ceremony and assist in keeping you connected to joy, growth, and playfulness.
Ticketing Link Below
Step into the renewal of the Spring Equinox—nurture your growth and claim your space.