Meditation and Journeying
Experience a variety of ways to connect mind, body, and spirit through meditative and journeying techniques. Learn the importance of building communication and right-relationship with the self, collective, earth and universe. From moving meditations such as earthing, to guided energetic protection practices, and plant spirit journeys— we invite you into deeper awareness of all of your layers and the interconnection of self, collective, earth and universe. Receive teaching and tools to assist you outside of our container, and help make space for your gifts and callings to shine through.
Join Ariel in a chakra based meditation for recharging your energy centers. This practice includes chanting the Sanskrit “seed sounds.” Thumbnail image credit Regina Carol for Elk Rock Yoga.
Experience a wide variety of offerings such as:
Journey with supportive, non-psychoactive plant infusions and flower essences
Communicate with the earth through practices such as forest bathing, earthing, making offerings and connecting to the spirits of the land
Chanting and Mantra
Art meditation
Using the directions and elements as medicine
Learning how to protect your energy through visualization
Amplifying gratitude and joy
Connecting with your wise elder self, guides and healed ancestors
Listening to the wisdom of the body
Meditation for expanding your intuition
Activating and recharging your energy
Creating altars, using medicine cards and creating rituals to assist on your path