Balance: Dreaming

Not all dreaming is experienced visually. Dreams can also manifest as a felt sense, a knowing, or even a song that is with you upon waking. Building a line of communication with your subconscious starts with intention and consistency. The more curiosity and support you bring around sleep rituals and connecting with/recalling your dreams, the stronger the bridge between the conscious and unconscious realms become. Yes, some have natural abilities to see vividly our fully bring back full dream stories without effort, but it’s totally fine if that is not you! Some of these suggestions, may resonate, some others may not. Each of us will have completely different experiences, access points and awareness this is simply just an invitation to get curious “How do I best support my dream space?”

Journal Prompts

Here are a few questions to bring more awareness to your dream time, your sleep hygiene, and what your intentions might look like around dreaming.

Can you, how do you recall your dreams?  

Do you notice any patterns around dreaming vs waking life? For example, do you dream more at certain times of year or in certain environments?

Which senses do you feel most connected to in dreams?

How do you like to prepare for dreaming and sleep?

What does engaging in a practice of dream work look like to you?

How would you like to grow in your dreams work practice?

Sleep Hygiene 

Getting proper sleep is crucial to reaching dream state. Most dreams happen in and are remembered from REM sleep. Implementing sleep hygiene is an excellent way to let your body know it’s time to wind down and rest. 

Sleep hygiene ideas:

Set a regular bedtime

Aim for at least 7 hrs of sleep

No screen time 1hr before bed

Do not consume caffeine, nicotine or alcohol after 4pm
Exercise regularly

Keep bedroom dark, cool and comfortable 

Pre bed wind down (anything you find relaxing) for example- hot shower/bath, tea, meditate, soft music 

For your room: Weighted blankets and grounding sheets are both bedding options that have been scientifically proven to increase REM sleep. Black out curtains for your bedroom can also be helpful. 

Working With Plant Allies

*Any herbs or supplements you are unfamiliar with should be checked for contraindications prior to consuming and taken in small amounts to start.



Blue Lotus







Calea zacatechichi



Lion’s Maine 


Something to consider: Limit or remove THC containing cannabis consumption - THC suppresses REM sleep *on the other hand, CBD may improve REM sleep and dream recall for some.


Keep a dream journal near your bed to write down intentions before bed and dreams as soon as you wake 

Connect with your dream guides through the creation of a dream altar, meditation, or any creative modality you feel called to

Create a mantra for dream work (eg. I easily recall my dreams) and speak or sing mantra before bed. 

Create an incense blend or room spray specifically for dream work. 


Emotional Composting

