Emotional Composting

The splendor of trees changing color, crunchy leaf piles, Samhain (more modernly known as Halloween) and the beginning of Dia de los Muertos all feel perfectly aligned with November’s new moon in Scorpio. A fixed water sign, Scorpio represents emotional depth and the things we keep hidden.  

Scorpio’s modern ruler is Pluto. Pluto carries with it themes of transformation, metamorphosis, decay and rebirth. Some describe Pluto as the great composter. On the other hand, the new moon is typically a time for setting intentions, new beginnings and visioning forward. The juxtaposition between these energies highlights the circular nature of the life cycle.

In the same way that fallen leaves break down to become compost and create nutrient dense soil; can we witness and release emotion so that it has the opportunity to transform and become something that will nourish our future selves? 

Let us look to Earth’s wisdom in the quest for internal transformation. 

Each leaf is released when it’s ready. Sometimes a gust of wind or a rainstorm drops many leaves all at once. Perhaps you can recall experiencing your own emotional storms within. We do not have to process our emotions all at once and it doesn’t happen overnight. The composting process takes time. 

Instead of viewing challenging emotions as “bad”, can we shift our perspective and see these things as valuable? Can we allow things such as fear, loneliness, grief, anger and despair the opportunity to transform into something that feeds us? 

Witnessing ourselves with tenderness, trusting the process, affirming our pain and allowing our humanity to be expressed are the “insects” that assist in this transformation. A compassionate, listening heart becomes one of our biggest helpers as this breaking down unfolds. 

As decay sets in it can be unpleasant. It is unsightly and it stinks. Give these feelings permission to be an ugly, smelly, creepy-crawling heap. It doesn’t need to be pretty! 

Can we allow room to witness our transformation with fascination rather than fright? 

Darkness lengthens, sunlight dwindles, coldness grows and our underworld journey begins. We are beckoned to slow down and go within. In 6 months time, the full moon in Scorpio will arrive bringing our current intentions to fruition. 

What are you willing to observe and release in order to let your hopes, goals and new beginnings spring forward from a nourished and rich foundation? 

Nothing blooms year round. YOU are the garden dear one. Notice, release, decelerate and trust that it is enough. 


Aligning Energy and Priorities


Balance: Dreaming